Neck Lift
What Is a Neck Lift?
A neck lift helps address loose or hanging skin, fatty tissue, and banding in the neck region that prevents a smooth neck contour. With a neck lift, you can tighten and enhance the contour of your neck, achieve a more defined chin and jawline, and make sure your neck matches the youthful look of your face. Using a variety of techniques and technologies, Dr. Lee can help you rejuvenate your neck for a more youthful look and feel.
If any of the following sound like they apply to you, then a neck lift might be just what you need:- Sagging skin on the neck (“turkey gobble”)
- Excess fat and fullness in the neck region (“double chin”)
- Banding in the neck that prevents a smooth contour (platysmal banding)
- Aging in the neck region that doesn’t match your face
- Difficulty buttoning your shirts due to excess skin
- Poorly defined contour along the chin and jawline
Options in Neck Rejuvenation
Some patients do not need surgery and can achieve their goals with non-surgical options.
Kybella: This is an injectable medication that targets excess fat and fullness in the neck region. This is a great option for younger patients who are bothered by fullness in the neck but do not have a lot of excess neck skin. Younger patients have good skin elasticity and less excess skin, so dissolving the fat is all that is needed. There is significant swelling of the neck for the first week and the final result occurs after 3 months. Most patients need at least 2-3 sessions to achieve their desired result.
Botox “Nefertiti” Neck Lift: This is a procedure performed with Botox injections to help with banding in the neck. It can soften the bands and can be performed with botox injections on the face. Like Botox injections on the face, the benefits typically last about 4 months and then require further treatment to maintain the results.
Surgical options include:
Full Face and Neck Lift
This procedure is the most comprehensive treatment to address the sagging and gravitational descent of the face and neck. It uses an incision that is hidden in the natural folds and creases in front of the ear and behind the ear. There is also a small incision underneath the chin. This procedure is appropriate for patients with extensive fat and loose skin in the neck area who are concerned by the face AND neck. The surgery involves tightening the deeper tissues of the face and neck, removing excess fat in the neck, and then removing excess skin. A full face and neck lift is a great option for patients who are relatively healthy, do not smoke, have extensive sagging, and don’t mind some downtime.
Neck Lift
This procedure is intended for patients who are bothered by their neck but do not have facial sagging or descent. These patients may have significant fat and loose skin in the neck area but do not have significant jowling or facial drooping. The procedure uses an incision hidden behind the ear that extends along the hairline toward the back of the neck. There is also a small incision underneath the chin. The surgery involves tightening the deeper tissues of the neck, removing excess fat in the neck, and then redraping and removing excess skin. A neck lift is a great option for patients who are relatively healthy, do not smoke, have extensive sagging, and don’t mind some downtime.


How Does the Procedure Work?
For a surgical neck lift, patients typically have IV sedation with local anesthesia. The surgery can take 2-3 hours, and patients are comfortable, relaxed, and drowsy throughout the procedure. Dr. Lee prefers not to use general anesthesia, so his patients avoid the risks with general anesthesia and recover quickly after surgery. You can expect your surgery to be longer if you desire to combine it with other procedures.
Dr. Lee carefully marks every place for incisions according to your personalized surgery plan before starting. He then proceeds to remove excess skin and tighten the underlying muscles. You can also have liposuction to remove stubborn pockets of fat for an enhanced contour.
After your neck lift, you will be able to return home the same day. However, while the anesthesia wears off, you will need someone to drive you home. Once home, you can begin resting and starting on the path to seeing your final results!
How Does Dr. Lee Customize Your Neck Lift?
Everybody’s face and neck age differently. We start with a full facial evaluation where Dr. Lee will listen to your concerns and then discuss the options to reverse the signs of aging. Everybody has a different facial structure, and faces age differently over time. Dr. Lee will discuss the risks, benefits, and what makes the most sense for you given your age, health, anatomy, and personal preferences. Whatever the plan may be, the results will look and feel natural. It should look just like you but a refreshed, revitalized, and more youthful version of you.
While a neck lift can be a standalone surgery, patients often find that when combined with a facelift, brow lift, eyelid surgery, or laser skin resurfacing, they can achieve optimal results. Together, these procedures can provide comprehensive face and neck rejuvenation and help you achieve your ideal, more youthful version of you.
What Is the Downtime After a Neck Lift?
Most patients will take about two weeks off after a surgical neck lift. During this time, we recommend avoiding strenuous activities and giving yourself time to rest and recover. We will also provide you with a full list of recovery instructions to ensure that you get the best results possible with a shorter recovery.
During these first two weeks, you can expect some swelling and bruising. Dr. Lee will remove sutures about 7-10 days after surgery. There is minimal pain after surgery which can be managed with pain medication, but many patients just use Tylenol and ice. We will gladly work with you to provide additional help and care tips.
Dr. Lee sees patients the day after surgery to remove a small drain that collects any fluid over the first 24 hours. Patients wear a facial support garment 24/7 for the first week and then only at bedtime for the next week.
After 1 month, patients are already looking quite good. Final results are at 2-3 months when all of the swelling has resolved. Some patients are concerned that they don’t heal well or form prominent scars. Dr. Lee uses special techniques to help patients conceal incisions, heal well after surgery, and reduce/fade scars even after surgery. Once you are done healing, you will be able to enjoy your improved neck and profile.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Take the first step toward neck rejuvenation by scheduling your consultation today. When you come in for your one-on-one meeting with Dr. Lee, he will work with you to develop your ideal treatment plan. Call us today to learn more about how a neck lift can help you unlock a rejuvenated appearance.